How Can an Individuals Perspective Change?

Paris Fisher
2 min readDec 30, 2020


Many, many, many ways. Simplified? It is an individuals choice to change their own perspective. All one can do to help change someone else perspective is to educate, but even that can be difficult. Many may not listen others may listen, but not truly understand what you’re trying to get at. That in itself is hard to deal with. It’s like screaming into the void, it gobbles up all the noise, but never understands and looks at you like you have lobsters growing out your ears.

From my personal experiences it was hard to even come to the realization my own perspective was flawed. That it was bias and I had tunnel vision. It took time to learn and accept it. Everyone's perspective changes overtime that is something I truly believe. We are constantly being fed new information and for that I believe everyone's perspective is being reshaped. Whether that is for the good or not it happens.

Yelling to get a point across an argument without proof a discussion without words; dont mean anything to someone let alone someone youre trying to prove something to. If you want to have someone understand you and sympathies with the way you view the world you have to be willing to do the research. Not everyone's life is the same, but even just knowing someone a little more then the face they put on can help your arguments.

People have biases that is a given for a human. It means we have an opinion on something and we feel strongly enough to think its correct or incorrect. However many struggle with stepping back and understanding why another person may view it as wrong. Ask yourself, “What world is this information not viewed the same in another eyes.” Ask yourself, “Did i get my information from creditable source?Always be willing to research more. That is where many fail.

No one can change someone else perspective simply alone with cool words. It is a matter of trust backed up with evidence. It takes the other person willing to sit down and not plugging their ears. Perspective is something someone has had since they were capable of cognitive thinking. To just magically change it in 3 minutes is near impossible so take time.



Paris Fisher
Paris Fisher

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